Darin & Brooke Aldridge
Christmas Concert
MATINEE CONCERT 3:00 pm December 12, 2020
Joy Performance Center Kings Mountain, NC
click on the map to view larger
Tickets are $28 (includes state tax, credit card & processing fees.
Seating will be in “PODS” of people who are comfortable sitting together while maintaining social distancing.
Two Seat POD: $ 56
Four Seat POD: $112
Six Seat Pod: $168
View the YELLOW CHART below for POD details and to see the specific seats in each POD;
Then Go to the POD CHART at the bottom of page..
Click on an available pod to add it to your cart.
After you complete the checkout process your e-Ticket & your receipt for purchase will be sent by email.
Please use the POD Chart at the bottom of the page to make your purchase

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